Although remote work was forced to the forefront of our news cycles in large part because of the covid-19 pandemic, the practice is here to stay. In 2021, it’s estimated that 1 in 4 Americans works from home, and those who don’t work from home 100% of the time are more likely to have the flexibility to work from home a few days a week. It’s estimated that by 2025, 22% of the workforce will be completely remote.

Workers want the remote work trend to continue to flourish as well. A 2021 study by Owl Labs found that 32% of those surveyed would quit their jobs if working remotely wasn’t an option anymore. Working remotely offers advantages that you just can’t find in an office setting.  Whether you use your time home to get dinner started early while you’re finishing up your last call of the day or you’re able to spend more time home with your pets and loved ones while cutting your commute out of your daily routine.

One of the biggest downfalls of working from home is learning how to balance your personal life with your work. With the two parts of your life happening in such proximity, it’s important to set yourself up for success. With that in mind, here are five tips that will help you succeed as a remote employee.

Consider a Coworking Space

Coworking spaces have grown in popularity over the past 10 years. According to the Collection 527, a company that offers spacious coworking space in Los Angeles, even with the strain that coronavirus puts on in-person working facilities, coworking spaces continued to grow once mandates were lifted and people were looking for the next best thing for their careers.

For some remote workers, that would be a coworking space. Coworking spaces offer a place for workers, typically freelancers or contract workers who work remotely, to work and socialize with individuals who are like-minded, business-oriented, and offer the flexibility of giving you an option to work within a designated office space.

Focus on Communication

Just because you aren’t physically in front of your boss or coworkers every day, doesn’t mean your communication efforts should fall short. When it comes to remote work, communication is key. Make sure you communicate your plans, needs, wishes, and wants with your coworkers and bosses. If you manage a team, think about having team meetings via Zoom at least once a week. It’s important to keep team members and coworkers involved, so even if your meetings are short it will be beneficial for everyone to hear what their coworkers are working on.

Change Your Clothes

This is a simple, but important step you add to your remote work routine. One of the first things people raved about during the early pandemic was that their work-from-home orders allowed them to lounge in their pajamas and sweatpants all day rather than get into their work clothes every morning. While being comfortable is important, too much of a good thing can do some damage. Studies have proven that getting dressed for the day helps increase your productivity and happiness levels. Be sure to change out of your pajamas and into some clothes that are comfy but still encourage you to work.

Stick To A Schedule

Beginning each day with a set schedule of what you need to get done and things you would like to get done if you have the time can help you manage your days without overloading your stress levels. You can schedule any at-home activities you have been able to incorporate into your daily work routine as well, say you rather shower mid-day than morning or night, schedule some extra time around lunch to make that work for your schedule. f you know you have busy

Establish Boundaries

One of the biggest advantages of working from home is being able to stay home. But a disadvantage of working from home is that your work is always with you. You can check your email, follow up on that big project you’ve been working on, the options are endless. That’s why boundaries are so important to establish, and the earlier the better.

If you can, try to make your workspace separate from the rest of your house, like a guest room or small nook that you can work in, and leave your work in. Don’t schedule calls or meetings outside business hours, and if your boss is insistent on doing work outside of those designated work hours it’s important to have a conversation about your boundaries with them.

It can be intimidating to stick up for yourself at work, but no one will listen if you don’t speak up. Establishing these boundaries will help ensure when you’re working, your attention can be fully given to the work at hand, and when you’re off the clock you can enjoy your well-deserved time off.