Good wellbeing and mental health allow people to live their lives in more meaningful and positive ways and to deal with life’s challenges and changes. This is the reason why you must look after your mental and physical health so you can cope with things, even during a stressful time. Pinpointing what will work for you, is vital to make sure you are taking care of all your needs. This means becoming aware of what you need. 

Whether you are at home, university, school, at work, or with friends, here is a list of important self-care tips you can make work for you. 

Maintain And Nurture Your Friendships

Connect with friends and family regularly and participate in activities that everyone enjoys. 

Participate In Regular Exercise

Exercise helps to lower stress levels and to improve your overall health. This may go well with the tip mentioned above by finding activities that you can participate in together with one or more friends. Try aiming for 20 minutes daily, or even short 10-minute walks. 

Eat A Balanced And Healthy Diet

Eat nutritious meals to help you deal with stress management and energy levels. Try to stay away from too much sugar or caffeine, as it may help you to feel a bit more energetic over the short term, yet it could negatively affect your health over the long term. 

Ask For Assistance And Accept It When You Need It

This tip might sound difficult, but your friends and family don’t expect you to handle everything that you are going through on your own. If you are worried or experiencing stress, talk to a friend about it. This could even be a counselor, doctor, family member, or a close friend. 

Be Kind To Yourself

Rewarding and encouraging yourself for achieving goals or getting through difficult times, will help you to bolster your self-esteem and self-confidence. Try to be compassionate and positive towards yourself when you can. 

Plan an activity that you enjoy, such as a short weekend trip, a shopping spree, or even a vacation. 

This also involves spending time alone, away from your usual demands. This could even be just 15 minutes daily. Have a long bath, go for walks, meditate or read a magazine or book. You will soon start wondering why you have never done these things before. 

Aim For Good Quality Sleep And A Routine

Most of us spend way too much time on our phones. In the evening we suggest switching your electronics off at least 1 to 2 hours before you go to bed. This will help you to unwind. If you find it hard to fall asleep, try an app or relaxation techniques to help you relax and fall asleep more quickly. 

Practice Regular Relaxation

If possible try to meditate before you get your day started. Today, there are many apps to choose from, but if you prefer a more traditional approach try to think about a peaceful and safe space such as a lovely forest, beautiful beach, or a warm and comforting room. Spend at least 10 minutes imagining and seeing yourself in these settings. 

Regularly Engage In Activities That You Find Relaxing

Put aside time daily to do things you enjoy. This could be listening to your favorite music, gardening, reading a book, or a walk along the beach, or even practicing yoga.