Filing a patent is one way to protect your invention from being copied by another company. Without these, businesses would be less likely to invest in innovating new products and technologies because they would be at risk of copycats stealing their ideas. As a result, patents encourage businesses to innovate and invest in research and development, which drives economic growth.

There are a few things to keep in mind when filing for a patent. The first is that these are territorial, meaning that they only protect your invention within the country where you file the patent. If you want to protect your invention in other countries, you will need to file in each of those countries individually.

The second thing to keep in mind is that patents have a finite life span. They typically last for 20 years from the date you file them. This means that you need to renew them every few years in order to maintain protection.

Finally, it’s important to note that not all inventions are patentable. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will only issue a patent for Intellectual Property Assets and inventions that are new, useful, and not obvious. This means that you can’t patent an invention that has been previously described in a publication or that is obvious in light of prior art.

How Can You Protect Your Patents?

If you have an invention that you want to patent, the first step is to do a search on such. This is a search of the USPTO’s patent database to make sure that your invention hasn’t already been patented. If it has, you can’t patent it.

Once you’ve determined that your invention is patentable, the next step is to file an application for one with the USPTO. This application must include a description of your invention, how it works, and the benefits of using it. You will also need to submit drawings or diagrams of your invention.

The standard filing fee for a patent application is $330. Once you’ve applied, it will be examined by an examiner at the USPTO. This process can take several years, during which you can continue to amass evidence of the invention’s utility and non-obviousness.

If such examiner determines that your invention meets all the requirements, they will issue a patent. If they determine it does not meet all the requirements, they will issue a rejection. In this case, you can file an appeal with the Patent Trial and Appeal Board or you can continue to amend your application until it meets all the requirements.

After you are issued a patent, it will be published online, and anyone can access it. This means that you will need to keep track of your patent and enforce your rights if someone tries to infringe on it.


Filing a patent is one way to protect your invention from being copied by another company. However, they have a finite life span and are only protected in the country where they are filed. It’s also important to keep track of it and enforce your rights if someone infringes on it.