It isn’t easy to decide which college to attend, especially considering the amount of pressure high school students are under. The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to help you make the right choice. There are even products and services designed to help college applicants get into the schools they want to attend. It’s understandable if you’re overwhelmed since there are so many colleges to choose from, and many schools don’t provide students with much information on how to navigate the admissions process. If you need some guidance, read on for three steps for deciding what college to go to.

1. Choose which schools you want to apply to.

Though some expected that the pandemic would make admissions less competitive, that hasn’t been the case. Acceptance rates to many elite universities are in the single digits. If your goal is to get into top colleges, you may want to consider working with an admissions consultant to increase your odds of getting in. They can also help you narrow down your list of schools to consider.

Working with the best college admissions consultants is one of the most effective ways to give yourself an edge in the admissions process. With years of experience, a college counselor can help you present yourself in the best possible light to your dream school. They can also give you a better idea of where you’re likely to be accepted so that you don’t have to waste money on application fees for programs that aren’t the right fit.

2. Visit your top choices after you’ve been accepted.

When you receive your acceptance letters, most schools will include a college brochure of some kind. Your brochure will give you a lot of the information you need, as well as providing some photos of the campus and the classrooms. Providing high-quality materials along with your acceptance letter is a good indication that a school is serious about recruiting the students they admit. One thing you should look for is contact information to see if you can arrange a campus visit.

You should take the time to do your research about all of the schools you receive admission to, but there’s only so much you can learn on the internet. There’s no replacement for actually setting foot on campus yourself. You can meet some of your fellow students, take a peek inside an actual dorm room, and get an idea of what the environment is like. Some colleges will even allow you to sit in on a class while you’re visiting, so make sure you take advantage of any opportunity you can to get to know the school.

3. Talk to friends and family to get advice about your decision.

Deciding which college you want to attend is a major life decision, and you should get input from the people who are most important to you. Talk to your family about why you want to attend a particular school and discuss the logistic details with them first. You’ll need to develop a financial plan for your obtaining your undergraduate degree, too, which you’ll likely need your parents’ help with. You can talk about the impact of financial aid, taking out student loans, and whether or not you have any savings that can be put toward the cost of your education.

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider when choosing a college. An admissions consulting service is one of the best tools available to you if you’re serious about getting into a top college or if you need assistance narrowing down your list of choices. Once you’ve been accepted to a school, or several schools, it’s smart to plan a visit so you can check out the campus in person and meet the people with whom you might be spending the next four years. Given how major of a life choice this is, you should also ensure that you have time to discuss it with your friends and family before you make a final decision.