According to one study, 81% of consumers said that they would buy a product if it aligned with their values and culture.

If you want to stand out amongst your other competition, you have to do a market research culture to ensure you’re delivering what your target audience needs.

But what is market research culture? Keep reading to find out!

What is Market Research Culture

Market research culture is the process where you evaluate how your products or marketing materials work when you target it to a particular culture. You should do this before you launch your product or strategy, otherwise, you may run into issues.

In order to do cultural research, you’ll need to do a cultural assessment. Cultural assessments have a few different elements, like uncovering any conflicts between your product or brand and the culture you’re marketing to.

You may also want to create a focus group to measure the readiness of products and how your new structure will fit into the new market. You may also want to run polls to see how your brand lines up with a certain culture.

Many companies also do brand testing to see if there are any unwanted cultural appropriations or offenses that are associated with the images, colors, or anything else.

Why It’s Important

This research can position the brand to make sure that they’re on the side of their consumers. While it’s great to effect a change for good causes, the real reason that companies do it is to help push their products or services.

Cultural marketing uses the trends and movements of the culture to help push the product or services, but it also brands figure out where they have more room to grow.

One of the best examples of cultural marketing is the Dove Real Beauty campaign. Dove noticed that there was a lot of change surrounding what defines feminine beauty, and they started a marketing campaign that evolved around that.

They noticed that the concerns and desires of their target audience were changing, so they created a campaign that touched the consumer’s hearts to sell their product.

How It Works

If you’re interested in doing culture research in your company, you can use CheckMarket for help.

However, it basically works by keeping an eye on movements and trends in the culture. You can do this by coming up with quantitative consumer insights and figuring out how to put that into a message.

One way that your market research team will keep up with these trends is to read the conversations that are happening on the Internet and the media. What do people seem to be talking about? What do they care about?

When you focus on the cultural movements, you can even forecast which way the market will change as well.

If you aren’t paying attention to the culture and the shifts, then your marketing strategy will not be complete, and you may miss out on a large portion of your target audience.

Different Market Research Methods

If you’re interested in doing market research on culture, there are a few different ways you can do this.

Some of the best ways are to conduct surveys, host focus groups, and just make observations.


Surveys are great ways to get qualitative research. You can ask your respondents open or closed-ended questions, and you can send them surveys via email as well.

You could even hold surveys online on your website, offering customers a deal or promotion as an incentive to take it.

They’re great because you can collect a lot of data quickly, and it’s all pretty easy to analyze and implement. However, you may want to have a good mix of categorized questions along with open-ended ones.

Focus Groups

Having a focus group of people who fit your target market can also give you insights into how to market better. You should have a trained moderator lead the conversation around the products, marketing message, and user experience to gain more insights into the company.

However, if you’re just starting out with market research, you may want to wait on this strategy until you have more experience. These can end up being expensive, and if you try and save money it could lead to biases.

Also, if you don’t have the right moderator, the results from your focus group could be skewed or wrong, which could throw off your entire strategy.


An easier way to do this might be to hold a customer observation session. This happens when someone from the company will take notes and watch as a user engages with the product. If you don’t have one yet, you can also see how they interact with the product.

The customer won’t see you, so you get to be a fly on the wall. These experiences aren’t as expensive, and you won’t have any bias influencing the results.

However, you won’t be able to know what they’re thinking, but you can ask them to write down responses to certain questions.

Learn More About Market Research Culture

These are only a few things to know about market research culture, but there are many more things to keep in mind.

We know that trying to come up with the perfect market research team can be overwhelming at first, but we’re here to help you out.

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