Ultimate Youtube Video Ideas
Our list of potential first YouTube video ideas will be divided into four sections, with 25 entries each. The sections are, as follows: General, Gaming, Howto/Education, Technology. General will cover general ideas, though plenty of them will be relevant to Comedy and Fashion YouTube. Gaming will exclusively cover Gaming YouTube video ideas, while Howto will dive into all the different ways to do tutorial/educational content on YouTube. Finally, there’s Technology. That’s a special one that encompasses a lot of different areas in today’s world.
Of course, you may be asking yourself already: What about the remaining 1 idea? This is a list of 101 First YouTube Video Ideas, not 100!
And you would be right! The last one is a secret. Save it for when you’re done reading the whole article, or the section(s) relevant to you.
Youtube Video Ideas
If you’re just starting out, you may be wondering “what YouTube videos should I make first?” We think it’s a good idea to start with videos in two buckets—videos that introduce yourself and videos that answer questions that people are searching for on a regular basis.

We’ll start with video ideas for introducing yourself. But first: why is this important? You can use an intro video as a YouTube channel trailer to provide viewers with context about who you are, what you do, and what they can expect from your channel.
Additionally, on YouTube, people subscribe to channels because they are invested in the ongoing stories of the creators or businesses, so sharing your story is a must.

First Youtube Video Ideas
Vlogs are among the most popular YouTube video ideas for beginners. It’s a great way to introduce your personality and worldview. This is a great starting point, but consider diversifying your content as you go.
But don’t brainstorm your first YouTube video ideas too much — just be yourself.
These videos are typically fast-paced and showcase a key moment in the creators life. It’s also usually contains a voiceover and accompanied with illustrations that are drawn on a whiteboard (sometimes by the narrator).
Video Ideas For Youtube Channel
Youtube Video Ideas For Beginners
- 1. Introduce Yourself
Make a video introducing yourself. Who are you and what do you do? What can people expect to see on your channel? How often do you post videos? Make a video welcoming people to your channel, and let them know what they can expect. Try to give viewers a compelling reason to hit subscribe.
- 2. Introduce Your Organization
If you’re sharing videos on behalf of a company or nonprofit, make a video introducing your business and what you do.
- 3. Meet the Team
Create a video introducing viewers to the people that make your organization run. Seeing the faces behind your organization or business helps viewers develop a more personal connection with your company.
- 4. Start a Vlog
Just like written blogging, vlogging can be educational, entertaining, personal, whatever you’d like to make of it. Both businesses and individuals can use vlog content to engage viewers and grow their audiences.
- 5. Explainer Video
Explainer videos are used to quickly introduce a product, service, company, or app. If your company has one, Youtube is a great place to put it!
- 6. Tour Video
Let viewers peek behind the scenes with this popular video format. You can show off your room, home, office, neighborhood, or another place you love.
- 7. A Day in the Life
YouTubers love walking in another person’s shoes through A Day in the Life videos. Start recording when you wake up in the morning and take viewers through a typical day in your routine.
8. Favorite Songs
What’re your favorite songs? Making videos showcasing your favorite songs can be a hoot, especially if it includes you doing a cover of Free Bird. Trust us on this one. (Don’t.)
9. Favorite Movies
What’re your favorite movies? Talk about your favorite movies and why they are what they are- this is a great way for people to get to know you. Mine’s Hot Fuzz.
10. Favorite Sports
What’s your favorite sport? Discussing a favorite sport can establish a quick relationship with the viewer, especially if it’s something as popular as Basketball or Football.
11. Favorite TV Shows
Do you love Atlanta? Watch it if you haven’t. But also, talk about your own favorite TV shows!
12. Make A Comedy Skit
People on YouTube love to laugh, and chances are you’re no different. Grab a camera and some friends to make something funny happen!
Youtube Video Ideas For Girls
1. Hair Tutorial: The hair is a strong symbol of beauty so many ladies don’t play with their hair. You can make a video that teaches girls how to style their hair in quick and easy ways so that they can avoid visiting the hair stylist all the time, and save some money for themselves.
2. Makeup Tutorial: Makeup is also very important to many girls. You can make a video teaching girls how to find the right makeup products for their skin tones, and how to do their own makeup.
3. Room Decoration Tips: Another idea is to teach some trendy and affordable decoration tips to girls who may want to give their bedrooms or college rooms a beauty overhaul.
4. Morning Routines: Show them how you start your day- from making your smoothies, to going for morning workouts, yoga, breakfasts and how you dress to school or work. A lot of girls can use these tips.
5. Workout Tips: You can make a video sharing general workout tips or workout tips targeted to special areas of the body such as flat stomach workout tips, arm workouts, leg workouts, squats for butts, and so on.
6. Giveaways: You can host a giveaway on your YouTube Chanel. You can give away purses, clothes, hair accessories, and other fashion items for ladies. This would also help to attract a lot of traffic to your YouTube channel as many people would be interested in the prospect of winning something for themselves.
7. Challenges: You could also host challenges on your channel to attract traffic to your channel and also get involved with your subscribers. Tell them how to make videos of themselves doing the challenge, and then upload the videos on your channel. You can get a lot of interesting contents to upload on your channel from doing a single challenge.
8. Shopping Tips: You can do a video offering shopping tips to girls to help them get the best deals when they shop, find coupons, negotiate or avoid spending more than their shopping budgets.
9. 10 Things to Do: The video can be about anything- 10 things to do when you are bored, 10 things to do before you leave for college, 10 things to do before you are 21, and so on.
10. What’s in My Bag: You can teach young girls how to pack their bags like a lady- show them what’s in your bag, and the reasons why you have them there.
11. Favorite Songs: You can share videos of some of your favorite songs with your subscribers, and ask them to tell you about their own favorite songs in the comment section.
12. Favorite Movies: You can do the same with your favorite movies as well. You can give reviews about some of the trending videos you’ve seen, or share some interesting scenes from throwback videos.
13. Nighttime Routines: What do you do before bedtime? Wash your face, dinner, shower, etc. You can share some helpful tips with your subscribers to help them develop good night routines of their own.
14. Organizing Tips: Show them some helpful DIY tips to help keep their rooms beautifully organized without having to buy expensive organizing supplies.
15. Dress Making Tips: Another good video idea is to show your subscribers how to make simple dresses, or how to convert old dresses into new things. For instance, you can show them how to convert an old shirt into a skirt, a pant into a short, and so on.
16. Celebrity Style Catch Up: You can create videos talking about some of the latest celebrity styles, and how your subscribers can catch up with the styles and recreate the looks for themselves.
17. Product Reviews: You can give your reviews and experiences from using different products like beauty products and skincare products, and show your subscribers how to use them too.
18. Favorite Products of the Month: You can make a video showing your subscribers some of the products you enjoyed using for the month. You can also include affiliate links in your challenge so that you can make more money.
19. Lunch Ideas: You can make videos talking about your lunch choices for an entire week, and how they can prepare the recipes at home.
20. Cooking and Baking Tips: You can also make videos about cooking and baking tips. A lot of girls love to learn how to cook and bake at home.
21. Healthy Breakfasts: Another food related video idea for girls is to tell them what is on your menu for breakfast for an entire week, and show them how to make healthy and delicious breakfast recipes.
22. DIY Smoothies: Everybody loves a good, healthy smoothie. Come up with delicious recipes and talk about them on your YouTube channel.
23. Crocheting: Crocheting is a trending hairstyle amongst girls. You can teach your viewers how to crochet, and how to make different types of beautiful crochet hairstyles.
24. Study Tips: Another video idea is to share study tips with your subscribers. Teach them some effective ways to study, and how to ace exams.
25. Life Hacks: You can also teach life hacks. Teach your subscribers some easy ways to handle tasks without stress.
26. Packing for Trips: Another great idea is to teach your subscribers what to pack, and how to pack for trips. For instance, you can teach them how to pack for hiking trips, summer vacations, school excursions, and so on.
27. Yoga Videos: A lot of people are interested in learning how to do yoga, and girls are not excluded. You can make videos teaching girls how to do different yoga poses.
28. Eating Plan: Create videos about your healthy eating plan, and how they can follow your eating plans or create their own eating plans to achieve different health goals.
29. How to Make Money: It’s never too early to start learning how to be independent. You can teach your subscribers how to set up side businesses that they can do while in school, how to save money, and how they can be financially independent.
30. How to Style a Cardigan: Create videos teaching your subscribers different ways to make a cardigan less boring, and more trendy and fashionable.
Creative Youtube Video Ideas
When people who aren’t subscribed to your channel come through, a video explaining who you are and what your channel is all about can help get them to take the plunge and click that “Subscribe” button.
Speaking directly to the audience, as in this example from What’s Up Moms, is a great way to draw viewers in on YouTube specifically. But if you’re nervous about getting in front of the camera, don’t worry. We’ll share some ideas that don’t require you to put yourself in the spotlight.
If you’ve got a YouTube channel for your business, an About Us or explainer video that showcases what you do is a good video to start with. Like the channel trailer example above, this can also serve as an introduction to your business for potential customers that make their way to your channel. Be sure to incorporate the ways in which potential viewers may benefit from your product or service.